To be successful at recruiting women, you need a plan. That’s what SIB pre-apprentice program coordinator Susan Schultz believes. She has done this many times before, and her latest Sisters Pre-apprentice Marketing Timeline reveals why the NASRCC programs have been so successful.
Outreach and Advertise – September through October 11, 2019
- Local Career Links – including meeting with staff at Lebanon, Reading, Lancaster, and Harrisburg centers
- Indeed
- Facebook ad
- Outreach to local Politicians
- Local Contractor Association
- National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC)
- American Institute of Architects
- Presentation to the Office of Commissioners, Dauphin County, on October 9, 2019 – Susan Schultz and Vanessa Salazar
- Job Fair in Reading, PA with over 1,000 attendees – Vanessa Salazar and Susan Schultz
Interviews and Tryouts – October 23 and 24, 2019
- Included in the tryouts is an opportunity to see what it’s like to work at a height. Program instructor, Kaitlin Parsons, took the applicants up on the scissor lift.
Program Start – November 4, 2019
Program Graduation – December 20, 2019