The CRAFT Women pre-apprenticeship training program has a unique focus – it is designed for women and taught by women. Officially named Creating Real Apprenticeships for Toronto (CRAFT), the 14-week program is being delivered by the College of Carpenters (CMC), which is affiliated with the Local 27 Training Centre.
Currently, the CMC has five female instructors who teach Carpentry apprenticeship, as well as health, safety, and skill-upgrading courses. They are excited about how this program will expand opportunities for women.
The program’s launch received some positive publicity in a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) article. In the article, Cristina Selva, executive director of the CMC, shares additional insights about the program. Instructor Jane Davis, shares her insights as well.
CLICK HERE to read the full article (Daily Commercial News: CCAT’s Female Instructors Hammer Their Way To Leadership Roles) and learn more about CRAFT Women.