Hutcheson Memorial Forest Pays Tribute to a UBC General President

General President William L. Hutcheson retired in 1952 after 36 years at the helm of the UBC. He died the next year.

In tribute to him, in 1955 the UBC helped to purchase a tract of ancient forest land in order to preserve it for conservation and research. The William L. Hutcheson Memorial Forest at Mettler’s Woods in New Jersey remains a preserve and is operated by Rutgers University.

The choice to help preserve Mettler’s Woods was fitting, according to an article in The Carpenter published in September 1960. “Hutcheson, who grew up in the woods of Michigan, worked for wise management and conservation of natural resources throughout his lifetime,” said the article.

At the dedication of the forest in 1955, Hutcheson’s son, Maurice, who succeeded his father as general president of the UBC, said, “The kinship between carpenter and wood is as old as mankind.”

The Department of Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources at Rutgers University has actively researched the Hutcheson Memorial Forest and surrounding fields for more than 60 years and engaged in some of the longest running studies of their kind.

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