Roles & Resources Handbook

While there is no official role of SIB Committee Chairs, the chair is expected to take the lead in providing direction and assistance to help the committee succeed. We have created a Roles & Resources Handbook that contains information to assist you in these areas.

Inside this handbook, you will find eight important roles for chairs, actions chairs can take to fulfill these roles, and documents that can serve as valuable references.

The eight roles address topics such as establishing regular and product meetings, goal setting, member involvement and information sharing, awareness building, promoting committee activities to the rest of the Regional Council, keeping your committee relevant and valuable, and setting a positive example

We wish you much success as SIB Committee Chair and we hope you find this information useful. If you have any questions, please contact your District Representative.

Rebecca McDonald, Canadian District –

Sinade Wadsworth, Eastern District –

Barbara Pecks, Midwestern Districts –

Shanta Prude, Southern District –

Amber McCoy, Western District –

Role 5: Keep Sisters Informed About Committee Activities

Role 7.4: Self Confidence and Motivational Exercises